Sunday, 9 June 2013

Hm ... weird ..

I think I'll start doing many reviews each day ... but I'm scared I'll run out of ideas and this blog is basically empty with almost no one visiting it except for me and someone that's lost ... xD
I think I'll have to build a reputation for it ... :I Alright ! I'll do my best~  I think I'll vary a bit and do Horror Manga reviews as well >w< !! 

Bible Black : The Hentai that gives you Hope !

Warning Curse words and explicit content ahead ! 

So much Plot going on over here .. 
Bible Black is yet again another Milky studio Hentai ... but not just any Hentai , It's a Hentai with an actual unique PLOT !
But it doesn't mean that there aren't any other Hentais with a Plot but it's mostly always the main character wanting to eat some delicious pieces of ass cakes from the neighbor's Hot Wife or from his sister or even from a goddamn random stranger ! but don't mind that , with the evolution of Hentai media there seems to be more Hentais with nice plots sometimes good sometimes not so good ex : Pure Mail , Moonlight  Lady , Night when Evil Falls ,Otome Dori , Immoral sisters , Aki - sora / Yosuga no Sora thought these are mostly censored but the plot is deep and it focuses on Forbidden relationship which is something I personally adore ! *q*  , Wet summer days also counts and there much much more !! 

(From Left to right) The necessary Futanari , The Mahou Shoujou
, The Osananajimi , The class president , The sensei-chan , The Oneesama . 
1 . 2 . 3 .BUKAKKE ! Oh the gasm !

Anyway let us not get out of Subject .. so at first we're greeted by a complicated as fuck intro then we're introduced to the Anime's and Game's Protagonist Taki Minase a seemingly normal Teenage boy that doesn't give a Fuck, well only earlier hence he would be giving lots of Fucks later , after various scenes our Minase discovers a Secret magic book in the school Basement of course you would be thinking that he'll use it to save the world or help little kittens and bake cake for grannies but no this is an effing Hentai so of course he'll use it to do some Hot girls there's no denying it ! And as the series proceeds 
we're introduced to some really tasty Characters such as :  Imari Kurumi  - Hiroko Takashiro -  Reika Kitami - Kaori Saeki - Mika Ito - Yukiko Minase - Rika Shiraiki.... and many many more but these are the main ones that have direct or indirect sexual contacts with Taki . but let us not forget about Maki Kurimoto and Jun Amatsuki !
and as the series reaches it's climax and we witness some hot sex action and black magic going on the series finishes with a supposedly good end .... but are you sure it's a good end ? or is there more to it than we know of ~ it's up to you to judge~
A little Gift for all the school mizugi lovers :D
Now I'll proceed to the things I liked and the things I didn't like~ the thing that I loved about the series and about almost all Milky Studio Hentais , Is the fact that each sex scene is unique and it differs from character to character which never ever makes you bored with the series ! and the animation Oh Holy god the animation I've never seen such an Orgasmic Hot sex animation in my whole life it's like superhuman sex ! and also the great character design all the female characters were beautiful no exception really ! it makes you envy the Protagonist for being able to score with these Hot Beauties :p ! But something did indeed piss me off ! it was the cheap ass voice acting I hated most of it especially that of Ayumi Murai she sounds like a cheep ass porn actress :v .. and there were also some moments of WTF like when you're first introduced to Kitami's Dick I was like srsly ? A clitoris turning into a dick Dafuq dude ???  and also some really really weird Cumming faces like when Kitami didn't allow Minase to cum oh holy shit that was some scary stuff ...but overall Bible black was and is the revolution of Hentai and it never fails to surprise you !
Good Job Milky Studios ! and the Bible Black
Cast ! 
 I recommend it to you all :D
But if you're just looking for sex and only sex then You could watch "Bible Black Only"
and if you loved the characters and want to see how they end up take a look at "Bible Black New Testament" but sadly there's no Taki-kun :c
but if you're puzzled and want to know what the fuck is going on you could look at "Bible Black Origins"
But I guess you know them already xD

Saturday, 8 June 2013

The Beautiful Ruru Sisters and The Badass Charlotte >:D

First review washoi~
Welcome to the Only SNK Fighting game that takes you to Feudal Japan :D

Be careful it's not just a Palette Swap !
Alright so the game I'm choosing is Samurai Shodown IV (Amakuza's revenge) , Anyway I must say that this game has fixed a lot of problems that were in Samurai Shodown III , Since I liked how they kept the Bust System it made the game much more interesting , the artwork was pretty neat too since in 1995/6 most games didn't have great character artworks .. especially K.O.F (well I didn't like it that much since I'm not really a fan of Old style anime artworks and pixelish colouring... )  I also liked the suicide option (not that I am a suicide Maniac or Anything it just that it gives the game a unique flow xD...)
Anyway as much as the game had good points it also had bad ones like the serious lack of themes for each character .. which made the game slightly boring in the music side since I personally like it when characters have special themes especially if they rock ! it makes me do my best and win so I could listen to that 10 seconds tune xD ..
The Ruru Sisters are so cute~ they remind me of
the Aensland sisters <3
also there's the removal of some of the SS III Attacks ... which made the game so-so in the attack field :c because when you get finally used to a character and finally master that one epic attack of his and expect to use it to kick some ass in SS IV It's inexplicably removed and you think that you wasted all your time for nothing ... and also there's a little problem with the character interactions it's so poor that it gives you the herpes , having characters interact is a great idea but it gets dull since the same speech is repeated for every goddamn character :I what made me dislike this is when you fight Nakoruru with Rimururu  you'd expect something like "Oh sister ... " or the like but no just a goddamn "You're a beast you ..." or whatever the hell she says .. but I have yet to try with the slash mode since when I fight her I always use Bust Rimururu so much cooler *q*  ... but then I love How the winning / losing / No contest quotes change depending on the mode :D ! ex :
SlashRimururu :
Lose : Oh, forgive me, Konril!
Win : It's Nature's punishment, pal!
No Contest : Konril, I did it for you!
BustRimururu : 
Welcome Back Charlotte <3333
Lose : You forgive me, right?
Win : A warning: Be nice to nature!
No Contest : Hey, I'm actually sweating!
PS: Correct me if I'm wrong ;w;
but even so in spite of those little problems the game is still kindly well balanced , what I liked the most about it is the Health bar and the neat Gameplay  and how they restored some of The badasses of the series such as Charlotte man she kicks ass !
Well this game is good overall =w= and the endings are so cool and cute *w* especially Nakoruru's and Rimururu's and Gilford's with Poppy-chwan ;w; and yes I love to play with those guys xD

Friday, 7 June 2013

Hey ~

Hello guys~ well It seems that the main introduction part was done x) ~ so I'm going to announce my plans for the rest of this month :p ~

1 - Publish some reviews of SS (Samurai Showdown)

2 - Procrastinate a bit xD

3 - Publish some reviews of the Bible Black series

4 - Procrastinate some more..

5 - Publish the first chapter of my manga

6 - Procrastinate... Lol no Man enough procrastination p:

PS : Unrelated pic xp